Building an ADU yourself doesn’t have to be a hard endeavor. In fact, it can be quite simple if you know what you are doing. Read on to find out how you construct an ADU yourself without many problems.
Do Your Research
Before you start any construction project, you should always thoroughly research it. The same is true when you decide to build an ADU.
You will need to know all about the different types of ADUs as well as the difference between an ADU and a JADU. You will also need to know the different costs associated with each type of ADU.
Probably the most important thing you need to research is the zoning laws in your city. Different regions and counties have different regulations for building ADUs. From height limitations to stipulations saying that you have to live in the primary dwelling, there are a lot of rules you need to be aware of.
Hire The Appropriate Professionals
Chances are you are not an expert designer, planner, and contractor. You are going to need to hire people to fill the positions that you cannot. However, you shouldn’t hire just anybody.
You should always take the time to compare different professionals and devise a set of questions to ask them to ensure they can meet your needs. Always look for references and at past work as well to determine if they will be a good fit for your job.
Finally, don’t always take the lowest bid. Often, they are desperate for work because they are not as good as they claim to be. Always be wary of “professionals” that severely underbid their counterparts.
Always Draw Up Contracts
Lastly, before you begin any work with a professional, make sure you draw up a solid contract with them. That way if anything happens, you are guaranteed to either get the work done or be compensated for the loss of time.
Once all contracts have been written and signed, you can begin developing your ADU. Always plan for delays in time because some things are inevitable. But don’t let your contractor get too off course either. Monitor the development and keep everyone at the steadiest pace possible.